Friday, July 8, 2016

Special Podcast Announcement

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a format change.

Listen here.

Full text after the break.

Hello and welcome to a special podcast announcement recorded on July 8th 2016.

I'm not happy.  Things aren't going the way I want them to go with this project.  I love science fiction and fantasy, but I haven't been able to really express the things I want to with the schedule that I've set for myself.  Being able to sit and digest a book or even a movie and analyze it in a critical way and do it week after week has proven to be impossible for me.  I'm sure that somebody could do it, but it appears that I'm not that guy.

I've found myself saying, I like this, this is great, over and over again.  That gets boring for me, and judging on the fluctuation I've seen in downloads the general public isn't all that into it either.  My brother works for Facebook, and he had to do a training project, so he decided to help me get a page up and run a little ad campaign for the podcast.  The downloads for the two episodes that I put out after that cut in half, then cut in half again.  That second cut left me with my own download to make sure that the thing went to iTunes and just a few others.  There's been a pattern like that over the months that I've been doing this.  I'll put out an episode that gets a bunch of downloads, and the next week it'll carry over a little, but then it dwindles to nothing again until I put out something else that captures a handful of people digging through the double digit pages of a Google search.

On a certain level I do this show for me, I'm reading and watching whatever I feel like reading and watching, but the drive to consume at a rate to put out a weekly show is a little stressful and if nobody else is getting enjoyment out of it there's no reason to stress myself out.

So what am I going to do instead?  I'm going to switch over to longer form projects.  Rather than tell you a little about everything, I'm going to tell you a lot about something specific, and I'm going to take my sweet time doing it.  I may or may not do it in an audio format, I think I'm going to switch to just a blog to do it.  Not sure.  I own a nice microphone, I should probably do something with it, but that won't be the primary focus.

I have a few ideas for what to research, Terry Pratchett and police procedures, the use of incidental music in Cowboy Bebop, the immigrant experience in comics (can you tell that I love Ms Marvel?), things like that.  My first project is going to piggyback on the Review the MCU thing that I've been doing.  One of the most interesting things to me in watching the MCU movies has been how they deal with mental health issues.  So the new and improved Form of the Geek will return at some point in the hopefully not too distant future with an analysis of Tony Stark's PTSD.  So until then, take care, and read SciFi, cause it's simply the best.

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